1.He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated.
2.The dynamic force of the motor is transmitted to a cutter through a belt pulley, a separator and the driving flexible shaft.
3.He moves little by little with the help of any dynamic force, a weak undercurrent or a feeble swirl stirred by fishes.
4.When the dynamic force produced by a single motor is insufficient, the mode of multi-stage relay can be taken.
5.People-oriented idea with people as the key is the source of basic dynamic force for new countryside construction.
6.Within months, they became two of the central figures in the most dynamic force in American politics this year.
7.This product is suitable for dynamic force lead-in circuits in mining enterprises and power circuits in mining area.
8.A greater attenuation of applied signals of equal dynamic force occurs as frequency increases.
9.Chinese national cohesiveness is an inherent dynamic force, which motivates the development of Chinese nation.
10.A thorough study for the mechanism of the involute gear lapping with dynamic force was made in theory and test.